Saturday, August 31, 2019

Pharmacia & Upjohn Essay

As Pharmacia & Upjohn ready their Rogaine product to be distributed over the counter the company faces many new challenges not previously considered. Pharmacia has estimated that once in the over the counter market Rogaine would reach $250 million in sales within their first year and $1 billion over a period of five years. The numbers mentioned above where forecasted under the assumption that the FDA would approve a request for three year marketing exclusivity, this request was however denied. Pharmacia & Upjohn must now consider the possibility of loosing 60% of their volume to competition. The brand will have to reevaluate their potential first year sales and decide how they will modify their marketing plan to differentiate Rogaine from comparable products. External Analysis Customer Analysis. Pharmacia & Upjohn target men and women between the ages of 25 to 49 for their Rogaine product. Since Rogaine’s introduction as a prescription drug the product has grossed over $700 million in sales. At the time of the case research estimated that there were about 20 million women and 40 million men in the United States with thinning hair or baldness. Out of this group 38. 6 percent of women say they would seek treatment for hair loss and 30. 4 percent of men say they would seek treatment. Combined men and women are estimated to spend an estimated $300 million a year on products for the treatment of balding. As of now Pharmacia & Upjohn estimate potential retail sales of $250 million a year. Management will now have to take into consideration that they could lose up to 60 percent of their sales after their patent expires. Growth Prospect. By 1995 cumulative sales for the brand had reached $700 million in the US and exceeded $1 billion worldwide. Sales from their first year offering nonprescription Rogaine were expected to yield $250 million in retail sales in year one and $1billion over a period of five years. The company obviously expects growth in this market. Based on current industry trends and indicators, the hair regrowth industry is currently in the growth stage. One major characteristic of the growth stage is increased competition. In the past Rogaine was the only product offered containing their patented formula, however, there is now the possibility of at least three other brands using similar formula’s coming to the market. True to products in the growth stage Rogaine will be making a few changes to their marketing mix. Pharmacia & Upjohn plan to increase the percentage of minoxidil from 2 to 5 percent, sell Rogaine at half the price of the prescription version, distribute to retail outlets and increase promotion efforts. Marketing Profitability. The possibility for intense competition is very high for Rogaine. This is due to Pharmacia & Upjohn’s patent expiring for Rogaine and the denial of their request for a three year period of marketing exclusivity. As a result Bausch & Lomb, Alpharma, and Lemmon Company have all considered the possibility of bringing hair regrowth products to the market. The threat of substitutes is also particularly high due to generic brands offering similar products coming to the market. Generic brands typically sell for 25 percent to 50 percent less than brand name products. As a result of a greater number of options customers will now have more bargaining power than in the past. Distribution Channels. As a prescription drug Rogaine’s strategy was to first educate members of their sales force who would then call on physicians, dermatologist, and other health care professionals. After this introduction Pharmacia & Upjohn began targeting consumers directly through television commercials, print ads and direct mailings. Their over the counter strategy will include creating a â€Å"hair regrowth category† and distributing products through pharmacy or hair care sections of food, drug, and mass merchandise retail outlets. The company also plans to send mailings to around 40,000 physicians, 20,000 pharmacists. Consumers will be targeted with mail in rebates, television commercials and by advertisements placed in periodicals. Overall 92 percent of the target will see Rogaine through television and 77 percent of customers would be reached through print advertisements. Marketing Trends. Two major trends that will affect the marketing mix for Rogaine is lower pricing and increased promotion. A single, twin and triple pack of Rogaine will now retail for $29. 0, $55. 00 and $75. 00 respectfully. Overall their products will be selling for half the price of the prescription version of the product. Increased competition will also be a new trend in the market. Competitors such as Bausch & Lomb, Alpharma, and Lemmon and Company will be entering the market selling similar products. Overall $75 million will initially be spent on advertising in the over the counter market. There are also plans to increase the amount of minoxidil from 2-percent to 5-percent in order to increase product effectiveness. In comparison as a prescription drug it was estimated that Rogaine spent between $40 million and $50 million on marketing annually up until 1991. In the past Rogaine was protected by a patent blocking competitors from using their formula. A key success factor for Rogaine in the over the counter market will be differentiation. Rogaine will have to differentiate itself from competition who may be offering lower priced products. Customer Analysis. As of now Rogaine has two defined segments. Men between the ages of 25 and 49 make up the largest customer segment for Rogaine. Research indicates that 9. 9 percent of men who experience hair loss actually seek treatment. At the time of the case it was estimated that there were around 40 million balding men in the US. This means around 3,960,000 men will actually seek treatment for hair loss. The second submarket for the hair product is women between the ages of 18 and 49. It is estimated that around 20 million women have thinning hair and an estimated 13. 3 percent will actually seek treatment for their hair loss. Customers who purchase Rogaine are motivated by cosmetic reasons. Although hair loss is most commonly caused by the medical condition alopecia, it is not something that requires one to seek treatment. Most insurance plans do not even cover doctor’s visits or prescriptions for hair loss products such as Rogaine. Unmet Need. Although Rogaine is considered a success there are many who have not benefited from the use of the product. Research indicates that only 26 percent of male users reported moderate to dense growth and 33 percent reported minimal growth while using Rogaine. Out of women within this same age range only 19 percent reported moderate hair growth and 40 percent reported minimal growth. This means that there is still a large majority of the market that needs a solution to their hair loss problems. Performance Analysis. With the denial of the request for three year marketing exclusivity, this has affected the way Rogaine will compete against other hair loss treatment companies. Rogaine has assured its client based that their product is the â€Å"the only product medically proven to regrow hair. † Rogaine has been able to dominate the market with sales over $600 million during the years of 1988-1995. Sales are projected over the course of the next five years to increase at an average rate of 20% each year, with a total of net profit before taxes of $759,438, 823 at the end of 2000. Determinants of Strategic Options. Rogaine has chosen to spend $75 million on a marketing program to create awareness and a trial of the product. The $75 million will be distributed between one 30-second commercial spot for both men and women, information and displays would be sent to an estimated 40,000 physicians, and 20,000 pharmacists would receive the Rogaine Pharmacy Kit. Rogaine was also offering consumers a way to join the direct marketing program by signing up or calling the toll free number to join. Rogaine is also partnering with Progaine, (a shampoo) by offering coupons for Progaine inserted inside the Rogaine packages. Rogaine is currently facing the implications of having the 3 year market exclusivity request denied. This denial is allowing Rogaine’s competitors the ability to flood the market with their brand of hair re-growth products. This flooding of the market will likely decrease the growth rate of 20% in sales.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Brave New World Connection Essay

In the world state â€Å"erotic play† is encouraged and forced upon children starting at an extremely young age. â€Å"We had Elementary Sex for the first forty minutes,† she answered. â€Å"But now it's switched over to Elementary Class Consciousness. † â€Å"The Director walked slowly down the long line of cots. Rosy and relaxed with sleep, eighty little boys and girls lay softly breathing. † (Huxley 71) This tool or game helps the world leaders, such as Mustache Mood, solidify the Idea that sex Is only meant for happiness and pleasure.As a reader you start to become uncomfortable with all of these little kids engaged In sex. In our current society â€Å"erotic games or play are completely Immoral and wrong especially for children but also for adults. The brains of children haven't fully developed and are not as sophisticated making them very influential and completely incompetent of understanding how these games could possibly effect their future relat ionships. The effects could lead children to believe that it is k to have sex with anyone at anytime even if the person is some one who hey have never even met.Relationships are a sign of togetherness a sign of affection, but in the novel there are not any true relationships there are these sorts of friendships, friendships that are souls based on sex. This is a main problem that John faces with Lenin, he wants to engage In a relationship with Lenin but she Is Incapable of loving him the same way that he wants to love her making John Incredibly frustrated and disappointed. Lenin wants sex and John wants love, this shows perfectly the mall differences teen the world state and our society.This concept of brain washing people and making them believe what you believe and make them do what you do, such as sex, is enforced by the world leaders. The world leaders are the world states people in the positions of highest power. The main way that the leaders maintain power is that they keep th e citizens in this constant â€Å"high† from the effects of a drug known as soma. Much like in the world today the people do drugs to suppress the feelings that are being felt and us it to bring out a appear more relaxed version of themselves.Drugs in our life are an escape but in the novel they are required for everyone, much to the disapproval of people like Bernard Marx. â€Å"Glum, Marx, glum. † The clap on the shoulder made him start, look up. It was that brute Henry Foster. â€Å"What you need Is a grammar of soma. † (Huxley 43). In this quote Henry Foster and Bernard Marx are talking and Bernard Is speaking about how he feels like he doesn't fit into the alpha plus ideal because of his size, Henry he building.Although there are a lot of differences between the world as we know it to be and this fictional world created by Huxley, in some weird way Huxley seemed to know exactly where the world was heading and different topics that would become more influent ial and less influential in our lives. Sex is one of these predictions. When Huxley wrote this book sex was still a thing to be cherished but now it is starting to shift towards being more and more common and is somewhat loosing its value.Not o the extent of the novel where people are having sex with everybody and anybody but to the point where there is a T. V show about 16 year old girls who have become mothers. â€Å"sex should be more than an act of pleasure, it's the ability to be able to feel so close to a person, so connected, so comfortable that its almost breathtaking† ( ). This quote was taken from an article where the author is coming off pretty heated and is talking about her 19 year old daughter who doesn't even know who the father of her newly born child is because she had been with so many guys.

Comparison of Two Poems

In two of D. H Lawrence’s works Bat and Man and Bat, both poems portray the author’s encounters with bats and his feeling of disgust towards them. In this essay I will compare the two poems in terms of tone, rhythm, diction and style. Both Bat and Man and bat started with a peaceful tone; the author describes the setting in Florence, Italy and gives a calming tone to the readers. However, as the author proceeds with the poem, and starts to introduce a bat, the tone starts to change. In bat, the tone changes gradually, the author wonders why a swallow would fly so late- at this point he describes the swallow’s movement and the tone changes; the readers sense a mysterious feel. When the author does confirm that the bird is in fact a bat, the tone of the poem changes, we sense the disgust the author feels towards the bats, using words such as â€Å"old rag†, giving â€Å"uneasy creeping in one’s scalp† (341-342). This particular tone set by the author greatly defines the hate he has for bats and also due to change in rhythm and diction, helps the readers experience the events within the poem. However, the tone in Man and Bat did not change as gradually, in fact it changes drastically. Soon after the start of the poem, the author introduces the bat and almost immediately words such as â€Å"disgusting† and â€Å"Out! Go Out! † (342) sets the tone of disgust. Throughout the ‘rant’ the tone remains the same, but the author did change the tone twice; when the main character in the poem (supposedly the author) realizes that the bat cannot leave his room because he cannot face the light, a sense of pity clouds the readers, the author feels pit for the bat and changes the mood slightly for a while. The tone of disgust returns though soon after yet it changes again; whilst the author wants to kill the bat and throw it away, he said that he didn’t create the bat therefore he cannot kill it, the tone shifts back to pity for the second time, giving the readers more hints that the author does pity the bat and does not wish to kill it. Man and Bat ends quite gracefully, the last few sentences had a peaceful tone, the author was quite happy that the bat had left and now enjoys the evening leaving the readers at ease. However, in Bat the ending still had the tone of disgust, ending the poem with an exclamation mark really emphasizes on the disgust. Both Bat and Man and Bat also start with similar rhythm; the pace was quite slow with the help of ellipses which helped prolonged the sentences. These prolonged sentences tend to calm the readers, so they could feel how ‘lazy’ the author feels through the poem. In Bat, the author changes the rhythm gradually too; after noticing the birds, the author still narrates with a lazy rhythm but also attentive, and that is how the readers start to feel suspicious of these swallows. As soon as the bats are introduced, exclamation marks are also introduced to readers; these exclamation marks give a heightened sensation to the readers and make them feel rushed (finding themselves reading through the poem with greater speed). This fast rhythm also gives more tension to the readers, giving a ‘thriller’ feel and gives more entertainment value to the poem, as the author describes in great detail the bat’s flights. However, the author still uses ellipses as he describes the bats, but these ellipses have a different effect; instead of prolonging the sentence it adds more mystery and a hint of uncertainty. In Man and Bat, the rhythm doesn’t change as gradually and the rhythm is even faster than that of Bat; as soon as the bat is introduced, the author changes the rhythm immediately, using repetition of the words ‘round and round and round’ (342) to rush and tense the readers more into reading the poem faster. The scene where the author tries to escape the bat is a typical action scene, happening very quickly. The author uses more exclamation marks to tense and fasten the rhythm more and this fast rhythm really helps the readers to understand the situation of the poem and also enhances the tone of disgust the author uses in the poem. Nevertheless, Man and Bat ended in a calming pace, the author reflects on the bat and threw away his grudges towards it- it leaves the readers content with the happy ending. However, Bat did not end as peaceful; the ending came abruptly, the author still hints a disgusted tone and the rhythm did not slow down- it even ended with an exclamation mark. This kind of ending leaves the readers hanging unlike Man and Bat. There were two main dictions in Bat and Man and Bat; diction for movement and diction for disgust. Both poems describe the bat’s movements in the air, going ‘round and round and round’ and in both works the author emphasizes on his revolt towards the ‘disgusting old rags’. In Bat, the author chose words such as ‘swallows with spools of dark thread sewing the shadows together’ when describing the birds movement; the readers feel the mystery of these swallows- yet not disgusted- and somehow the swallow’s flight seemed elegant. However, when realizing that these swallows were in fact bats, the author uses words such as ‘wildly vindictive’ and ‘hanging disgustingly upside down’ (341) even though these are the same birds he saw. The author’s change of words help adding depth towards the tone of disgust he hints, and his choice of words impact how the readers feel towards the bat, mainly revolt. The author’s choice of words also affects the rhythm; the readers think that the bat’s movements are wild, uneasy and frightening instead of the elegance of the swallows. Nevertheless, the author’s choice of words in Man and Bat even emphasizes more on the bat’s crazy movements and his dislike towards them. Within the first page the author already plunges into words such as ‘a twitchy, nervous, intolerable flight’, ‘a neurasthenic lunge’ and ‘impure frenzy’ (342). These words really affect the poem’s pace and adding more depth towards the already obvious hatred; readers feel overwhelmed whilst reading Man and Bat because it contains carefully chosen words which gives great impact. Another obvious technique the author uses is repetition of the word ‘round’ which is used to describe the movement of the bat within the character’s room. In fact, the author uses that word 22 times in Man and Bat. In conclusion, D. H Lawrence used tone, rhythm and diction to his full advantage when writing Bat and Man and Bat to portray his repulse towards bat and its wild and frightening movements.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Argueing for the Legalization of same-sex marriages in Illinois Essay

Argueing for the Legalization of same-sex marriages in Illinois - Essay Example to make decisions for their partner who is being hospitalized, have the right to sue on their partner’s behalf and cannot be forced to testify against them in court. Married couples also pay less in taxes and receive many other social and financial benefits. But because gay couples are legally prevented from marrying, they are excluded from receiving the same considerations that married heterosexual couples enjoy (Eagle, 2006). This paper will more closely examine the benefits denied gay couples as well as the political and legal implications involved with the issue. It will conclude with a discussion involving one of the main non-religious based reasons that those who oppose gay marriage espouse, the affect of this type of living arrangement on the children of the relationship. The argument proposed by the opponents of gay marriage is that the U.S. Constitution guarantees a republican form of government in which elected officials are intended to set social policy for the nation. Legislators do this by representing their constituent’s moral views when drafting laws. Because the Constitution bars the intertwining of state and religion, the only method of ensuring that moral and ethical codes are enforced throughout society is through acts of legislation. In fact, lawmakers draft laws that address moral issues constantly and not just in high profile matters such as abortion, pornography and gay rights. When courts determine morality issues, they counteract legislation meant to protect the moral fabric of society and break down the constitutionally guaranteed separation of powers within the government. â€Å"When judges erode the power of the people’s representatives to set society’s moral compass, they likewise undercut the authority of parents, schools, and other community groups to set the standards they would like to see their children and fellow citizens live by. Indeed, it is a frontal assault on community values writ large† (Raul,

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Principles Of Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Principles Of Management - Essay Example Before delving into the business environment it is imperative to determine why firms engage in international business. The first reason as stipulated by Andexer is to increase market size. Businesses undergo a lifecycle and as they mature, they need to venture into new business or offer different products so as to remain relevant and competitive. Besides, every firm needs to gain a high market share as a growth strategy and also to spread risks of fluctuating economic cycles or currency risks. A business can thus decide to enter international markets depending on the internal and external environment and its resource capabilities.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Another reason a firm may wish to enter new markets is a reactionary measure; that is, reacting to information gathered in the market. If a firm gets information of available opportunities in the foreign market that offers future possibilities, internal growth and prospective profitability, it can react by develop ing strategies to enter into that market. Furthermore, firms aim at increasing returns on their investments, and this can be achieved by entering into more profitable segments.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Globalisation and technology advancements have also led firms to venture into new markets. As business environment is very dynamic, organisations need to keep up with the changes so as to satisfy the changing needs of customers. (Cherunilam, 2010). Development of infrastructure and communication has played a great part in enabling firms to expand into other parts of the world. This is enhanced by trade liberalisation which opens borders for doing business and creates a good environment by reducing restrictions that hinder expansion (Lymbersky, 2008). For example, a firm can now produce products where labour is cheap and export to other countries or it can import materials and make finished products in domestic country. This can be done easier by establishing a subsi diary or licensing another firm to do so. After a firm determines the need to enter a new market, that is not the end, but the

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

How Pulp Fiction can be read as postmodern Essay

How Pulp Fiction can be read as postmodern - Essay Example The term post-modernist, often used to refer to art and architecture, was applied to this film, and there was even a new word made specially to reflect this, namely â€Å"pulpmodernist.†1 The phrase pulp fiction refers to popular novels which are bought in large numbers by less well educated people and enjoyed for their entertainment value. The implication is that the film concerns topics of interest to this low culture, but as this essay will show, in fact the title is ironic and the film is a very intellectual presentation of issues at the heart of contemporary western culture and philosophy. Writing ten years before Tarantino made Pulp Fiction, the academic and critic Frederic Jameson identified some of the key features of postmodernism, and debated whether these were a true departure from modernism, or just a continuation of the same rebellious themes. His paper on postmodernism2 tends towards the latter view, but at the same time prophetically pinpointed the essential dep artures that postmodernism has made from what has gone before. Tarantino’s film does not continue the debate in an academic way, but instead presents a virtuoso visual performance of the ideas that Jameson could only dimly perceive. These ideas include pastiche, a crisis in historicity and a blurring of the distinction between high culture and low culture. One way that Tarantino uses pastiche is when he introduces very evocative settings, like for example the restaurant setting of Jackrabbit Slim’s Diner. The decor is flamboyantly 1950s style, which is not in keeping with the more modern setting of the main action in the film. The film set is exaggerated, with customers actually sitting in cars, and the waiters and waitresses dressed up as famous 1950s characters like Elvis Presley and Marylin Monroe. On another level the film plays with the cultural connections that the actor John Travolta has with the 1950s. The musical film Grease which is perhaps Travolta’s most famous film, takes place in this kind of setting. When Travolta’s character in Pulp Fiction encounters this scene, playing a much older character, and in a much more adult and violent film, it causes an ironic ripple. The audience makes an instinctive connection with what they know outside the film, and this explodes the usual time and action frame of film. In Pulp Fiction Vegas begins to dance and this again brings in a whole host of meanings related to the famous dance between Travolta and Olivia Newton John in Grease. In the later film, however, this is no innocent flirting between teenagers. The new context is a dangerous flirtation with the wife of a deadly killer, and both of the participants are adults who know the consequences of their actions. Critics have noted that this, also is ironic, quoting elements of older film styles: â€Å"The story of the flirtatious boss’s wife draws on established elements from the gangster genre, while her overdose provides an unexpected Gothic reference.†3 The trickle of dark blood from the pale body of Mia (Uma Thurma) is what recalls the Gothic horror genre. These evocative touches characterise Tarantino’s exuberant style. The scene where Vincent takes Mia to Jackrabbit Slim’s Diner and then home is therefore like a pastiche of Grease, and also of old gangster movies, and then also horror films, using exaggerated and deliberate quotation of key visual features to add new and unexpected layers of meaning to the story. This layering of images from earlier artistic works creates a pastiche with a particularly nostalgic affect. Jameson remarks that this is an

Monday, August 26, 2019

How much oil is there in the world Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

How much oil is there in the world - Term Paper Example Tiny plants and animals and die and sink to the bottom of shallow waters. Then clay and silt cover the thin layer of organisms which begin to decay. The process becomes repetitive and after millions of years, the clay sand, silt from rocks, and the decomposed organisms beneath the rock layers generate into a dark heavy liquid now known as OIL. With reference to Lee’s article â€Å"What is Oil?† it is used facilitate a variety of things. It contributes to the creation of fuel, paint, detergent, trash bags etc once it is refined. However, the most widespread use of oil is the fueling of our vehicles, as oil is the main source of locomotion. History of Oil Historians speculate that oil has been flowing since the time of Herodotus-(a Greek Historian during the 5th century), but was being used as a liniment of medicine and not as fuel and also for building purposes. The history of uses’ website explained that oil flows from springs just like water. Some of these sprin gs were in western Pennsylvania and obtained by the Seneca Indians, who used it for medicinal purposes. The site also reported that that the first oil well was drilled by Edwin Drake in 1859 in the area. An article from reported that the well was 69 feet deep and produced 15 barrels a day. The area quickly blossomed and the modern oil industry was born. Then later Texas and Oklahoma became the centers of US production. In addition the Middle East became a major supplier for US use as well after World War II. In previous generations, oil as a fuel was used as kerosene for lighting, replacing animal, vegetable and coal oils. It also became popular in the furnaces then the most popular with the development of automobiles. Presently all modes of transportation; cars, trucks, buses trains, ships or airplanes are fueled by oil, diesel or gasoline. Fuel Oil has become so predominantly essential that it is burnt to produce electricity which has always been a coal’s job. Locating the Oil The Science of locating oil is done through a variety of methods and is the main responsibility of Geologists. First they have to find the best conditions for an oil trap and best sources of rock as well as reservoir rocks and entrapment. According to Craig Freudenrich PhD, and Jonathon Strickland, geologists, many years ago interpreted surface features, surface rocks and soil types and perhaps some small core samples obtained by shallow drilling as a method of locating oil. In comparison to the modern era they now use sensitive gravity meters to measure changes in the Earth’s gravitational field which could indicate flowing oil. In addition they use sensitive magnetometers to measure changes in the earth’s magnetic field caused by flowing oil. Furthermore, they can detect the smell of hydrocarbons, using sensitive electronic noses called sniffers. However, the most common method used in detecting oil is seismology. By using seismology, it creates shoc k waves that pass through hidden rock layers and interpret the waves that are reflected at the surface. The shock waves are created by either of the following; a compressed air gun which shoots pulses of air into the water, or a thumper truck which slams heavy plates into the ground or by explosives which are detonated after being drilled into the ground or thrown overboard. As marked by Freudenrich and Strickland, the shock waves created by seismology

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Infant Short Term Memory and the Attention Span Essay

Infant Short Term Memory and the Attention Span - Essay Example The ability of carrying out various mental tasks consists of the use of cognitive functions. This developmental phase varies between infants in regard to whether they are full term infants or premature and also on what their short term memory capabilities are as well. Short-term memory in itself is a limited function even for adults, and infants in particular haven't quite mastered the skill of recalling events that happen in a short time frame (Cowan et al 1999, p. 1082). Nevertheless, in regards to attention span and some other cognitive abilities within infants, there appears to be a response to differentiating stimuli which shows that depending on what is used to gain their attention and maintain it varies from infant to infant. One study in particular was carried out on infants to gain an idea on what holds and keeps their attention span, with this one pertaining to what effects synchronized lighting has on infants (Colombo & Richman 2002, p. 475). This study showed that infants did pay attention to the timed lighting effect as their heart rate was found to increase in a pattern when the lights would flicker at specific times. This of course showed that even though infants aren't alert and wholly focused on every inanimate object that they come in contact with some of these various stimuli have a more profound affect than others. Furthermore, this one study was able to pinpoint the fact that infants seem to have the exact ability as adult people to be able to time exactly when a light simulation is going to take place, which shows that they are able to keep track of time when it is in regards to simulations of patterns. This in itself gives a positive idea of how important attention span is in infants as it is one of the key elements in contiguity learning within the early educational process (Colombo & Richman 2002, p. 477). In the past it was presumed that infants have a very short attention span but as more research has been carried out it is now being questioned just how short their attention really is. The reason this is stated is because, just like the previous test mentioned, this next study showed that babies might actually have the ability to distinguish characteristics of adding and subtracting, of course with a minute set of numbers (Wakeley et al 2000, p. 1525). When an infant is shown a display of a perceptual nature their attention span seems to be more focused, especially if the elements in the display are in the amount of three's, but no bigger amount than four. Research has shown that when cognitive researchers have added to the display or taken away the infants have been very alert to the actions and pay very close attention in what appears to be a detailed manner towards problem solving. This seemingly refutes the belief that infants attentions span is short as it is being shown that t his varies depending upon what the baby is being given to study and explore (Wakeley et al 2000, p. 1526). This type of study however did not give the same results for all infants that were included in it but even so, the majority of infants from the age range of 4 months to 9 months were very alert to the problem solving with innate objects and

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 64

Assignment Example (2010) studied the organizational culture of college universities that were being relatively newly established in Malaysia compared to universities. MacIntosh and Doherty (2007) selected a random sample of clients as participants in the research at five clubs across four different cities located in the province of Ontario, and asked them to complete a survey. Clients were at least 18 years old. Client’s perceptions were measured by focusing on the focal organization’s core values. Core values and many items were retrieved from the original survey conducted by MacIntosh and Doherty (2005). The study used a total of 42 items representing nine corporate values. Data was collected using 113 surveys from participants 59% of whom were women whereas 41% were men. On the other hand, in Ramachandran et al’s (2010) research, HEI is the unit of analysis divided into public and private strata. College universities were chosen because of their evolving OC. Data was gathered f rom a total of 594 faculty members of which 33.9% were from public HEIs whereas 52.8% taught in the private HEIs. Data was collected with the CVF. Ramachandran et al. (2010) stated that no definition of OC is widely accepted as the term has been defined differently by different scholars and authors. Organizational behaviour is affected by different regional and national cultural groupings. The different types of OCs can be classified by different parameters. Artefacts of an organization can be understood by studying the organization’s espoused values. Every organization is based on certain assumptions that are not challenged and are taken for granted by the employees. Values of an organization are more accessible than its artefacts or assumptions. The theoretical underpinning of this study is based on Cameron and Quinn’s (1999) operational definition. Denison’s (1990) four hypotheses i.e. the consistency hypothesis, the mission

Friday, August 23, 2019

Key Messaging Template for clients audience clientfamily connections Research Paper

Key Messaging Template for clients audience clientfamily connections LCC - Research Paper Example However, any protection should not obscure the main objective, which should be to ensure the safety and positive development of children at all levels (Partland, 2012). The love and natural instinct you have for your children should not be limited to your control alone. There are many other entities like childcare providers, concerned citizens, and the government that are keen to help you provide the best for your children. Childcare is a challenging job that requires the utmost dedication, passion, and commitment. You can collaborate with us so that we support each other in our duties. Such collaboration can include providing feedback and insights on training, and actively participating in the training of childcare employees. You are encouraged to identify areas of weaknesses in training and to propose remedial measures to improve the quality and effectiveness of our services (Family Connections, 2015c). You can also contribute financially to the provision of childcare services and therefore ensure that your children receive the best care possible. Finally, parents who are knowledgeable in childcare (e.g., nurses and developmental psychologists) are encouraged to apply for training positions in our organizations so that you improve the overall level of services. Childcare services are often funded by the government, the private sector, or donors. Of the three, donors have been identified as having the greatest potential to improve childcare services. This is evident in their level of commitment to and focus on, quality and effective childcare services. When it comes to training of childcare services, you have numerous avenues through which you can impact childcare services (Family Connections, 2015b). First, you can provide more funds to governments and the private sector to facilitate the expansion and enhancement of training activities. You can also fund childcare providers directly instead of using intermediaries like the government

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Progressivism and Naturalism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Progressivism and Naturalism - Essay Example he main contribution was that through practical political action and innovative political theory, they reformulated the concept of a liberal state in a way that rejected both traditional liberal minimalism and revolutionary socialism (McGerr 2005). III. I suppose that the progressivism was a great leap towards democracy and social equality. As administrators and legislators, they addressed such problems as insufficient medical care, unsafe working conditions, and exploitation of women and children. Yet for all their concern with the most vulnerable among the working classes, they rejected a politics of class conflict. Many, surely a majority of those who identified themselves as Republicans, were uncomfortable with labor unions; so were most non-urban Democrats. I apply the concept of Progressivism to modern life analyzing economic and political events. Progressive leaders did so without rejecting the forces of change. Many of the progressives eagerly embraced modernity, employing its intellectual tools with zest in their bid to refashion America. Naturalism I. Naturalism is movement of thought that not only takes its name from "nature" but assigns an unqualifiedly positive valence to the fact of our being part of nature. In the tradition of the Enlightenment from which it is itself descended, naturalism was originally a reaction against religious ideas of a supernatural domain to which human beings were supposed to be somehow akin. It was also directed against philosophical systems like idealism that were thought to have much (Clark 2007). II. Contributors: W.V. Quine, Karl Popper (philosophy), Jack London, Stephen Crane, Frank Norris, Theodore Dreiser (in literature). Naturalism as a movement of opposition to the systems of belief also came to be associated, in... The movement's critical mass was in the "urban middle classes interpreting "urban" as did the census bureau to include small towns and cities, not just metropolitan America. The "middle classes" included small business enterprisers of all types, squeezed by enormous corporations, resentful of what they considered railroad rate gouging, insecure about their future livelihoods Naturalism shows how different the world we live in and we ourselves are from the standard accounts that both science and philosophy have given of such matters. Naturalism does not explain the structure of the natural world in which everything took place. These issues do remain and that chief among them is precisely this question about the unique authority of the natural sciences to determine what there is in the world. I suppose that naturalism assumes that whatever is described as being "given" or "present" must be "in the mind" in some objectionable dualistic sense of that expression. Naturalism, accordingly, rejects root and branch anything that is so described and it does so without any sense that it may thereby have cut the ground out from under its own familiarity with the world about which, after all, it has a great deal to say. I use this concept to understand everyday life and our role in the world. y argument will be that the way human beings are in the world with other entities cannot be understood on the model of physical systems.

Lord of the Flies Essay Example for Free

Lord of the Flies Essay A symbol can express an idea, clarify meaning, or enlarge literal meaning. In the book, â€Å" Lord of the Flies† by William Golding, there are many symbols such as the pig’s head, fire, painted faces, and Piggy’s glasses. However one symbol stands out more than the others, the conch. The conch symbolizes order, government, savagery, and even one of the characters called Piggy. Order was one of the main themes that the conch symbolized. When Ralph and Piggy first found the conch Piggy said, â€Å"We can use this to call the others. Have a meeting. They’ll come when they hear us. † (16). Automatically they find the conch, blow on it, and everyone on the island comes to the platform. This shows that they are trying to have everything be put in order by calling a meeting and discussing everything that is going on, and to discuss how they are going to survive. Another example of order is, â€Å" I’ll give the conch to the next person to speak. He can hold it when he’s speaking. We’ll have rules! Lots of rules! † (33). This shows that they want the order of England and of school. When in school, if the students have a question or an answer, they raise their hands and say what they are going to say. Another main theme in this book that the conch symbolizes is government. For example, when they called the meeting Ralph said, â€Å" Seems to me we ought to have a chief to decide things. † (22). This shows that they want for the island to be like England and have a ruler. The ruler would tell them what is right, what is wrong, and how they should be doing everything. Another example of government is, â€Å" Let him be chief with the trumpet-thing. † (22). The children on the island wanted Ralph to be the chief because he started to lead by just blowing the conch. To the children it showed that he knew what he was doing, and they thought he knew how to go home. The other theme that the conch symbolizes is the savagery. For example, Jack explained. â€Å" I agree with Ralph. We’ve got to have rules and obey them. After all, we’re not savages. We’re English, and the English are best at everything. So we’ve got to do all the right things. † (42). This shows that in the beginning of the book, Jack thinks that they are not savages. The thing is that every human has savagery in them in some way or form. Toward the end of the book when Jack is in the separate tribe, it describes, â€Å" Before the party has started a great log had been dragged into the center of the lawn and Jack, painted and garlanded, sat there like an idol. There were piles of meat on green leaves near him, and fruit, and coconut shells full of drink. † (149). The conch forced Jack to make a separate tribe, because he was tired of taking orders from Ralph. He wanted to be chief so badly that he created a tribe and convinced almost all of the children to go to his side. He provided the children with meat and protection that Ralph didn’t. The conch also symbolized the book’s character of Piggy. An example would be when the plan first crashed and the meeting was not called, Piggy said, â€Å" S’right. It’s a shell! I seen one like that before. On someone’s back wall. A conch he called it. He used to blow it and then his mum would come. It’s ever so valuable. † (15). At the beginning he was the one who discovered the conch. Piggy was also the one to tell Ralph to blow on the conch so that all the children on the island would all meet at the platform. Another example would be one of the main turning points in the book, â€Å" The rock struck Piggy a glancing blow from the chin to knee; the conch exploded into a thousand white fragments and ceased to exist. Piggy, saying nothing, with no time for even a grunt, traveled through the air sideways from the rock, turning over as he went. (181). When Piggy first arrived on the island he found the conch, and when Piggy died the conch died along with him. Once Piggy and the conch were gone, the order of the island was gone as well. The conch was both the leader and the assaciane at the same time. At first the conch was the one who brought the tribe together. It provided order and a sense of government on the island. However, in the end in was the one to tear everyone apart. It created Jack to act as a savage and for him to create a whole new tribe to torture Ralph. Once the conch exploded all the order and the government went with it, and out came the savage in everyone. In the end they even get rescued because of the conch. When the conch exploded into pieces, Jack’s tribe went to go find Ralph to kill him. Jack set the whole island on fire to smoke Ralph out to kill him. By setting the island on fire the smoke could be seen from miles away. The navy was able to see the smoke and they came to rescued the children. Isn’t it ironic. The whole time Ralph talked about the fire being the main priority, and in the end Jack’s fire rescued them from the island.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Adaptation of the Fennec Fox to the Desert

Adaptation of the Fennec Fox to the Desert How the fennec fox (Vulpes zedra) has adapted to the desert environment The fennec fox is the smallest member of the Vulpes genus (formally in the Fennecus genus) only weighing 2.2 – 3.3 lbs. It is highly distinguishable by its huge ears measuring 6 inches, and a body length of up to 16 inches. It is a nocturnal animal that stays in its burrow and rests for the hottest parts of the day (The Nature of Wildworks, 2014.). It is a highly social animal and lives in family groups of up to 10 individuals (Fox, 1975). Formerly in the fennecus genus, it was later re-classified into the Vulpes genus which is the main taxonomic group of all foxes. Its geographical range is the north Sahara and Arabian deserts. The fox is under decline due to being hunted for the fur and pet trade which has had significant impacts on the wild species (The Nature of Wildworks, 2014.) The fennec fox has many adaptions to living in a desert environment. These can be broken down into 3 categories; Morphological, Physiological and Behavioural. Morphological Morphological adaptions are changes in the animal’s structure that helps it adapt to the extreme conditions of the Saharan dessert. One of the most significant morphological adaptations that the fennec possesses is its large ears. The ears are used to dissipate heat and maintain the optimum body temperature of the animal (Wathen, et al., 1971). The ear needs to be large to have a large surface area for heat dissipation. The statement that these actually cool the animal is not entirely true, they do not cool the animal and lower its body temperature, but instead maintain the optimum body temperature. In a study on jack rabbits, the ears were found to dissipate nearly 100% of all metabolic heat at air temperatures of only 30Â °C (Wathen, et al., 1971). This is only possible if the temperature of the fox is above the environmental temperature. The ears also play a critical role in nocturnal hunting (Wathen, et al., 1971). The large pinnae of the ear help direct low level sound i nto the ear which gives the fennec acute hearing allowing directional hearing (Ewer, 1973). This is a key adaption for hunting at night due to the low light levels, thus giving the fennec the ability to hunt effectively at night using sound as well as excellent night vision. The feet of the fennec are adapted to walking on the hot sand by having hairs covering their fleshy foot pads (Ewer, 1973). This prevents the foot from actually touching the scolding sand and will prevent injury when the fox is digging its burrow and walking across the hot dessert floor. The front paws are specially designed for digging burrows which the fennecs live and breeds in (Ewer, 1973). The fur of the fennec like most dessert animals is vital to coping with desert life. Not only does this insulate the animal, but studies have shown that the light fur of the animal can also reflect the solar radiation, therefore lessening the impact and reducing the heat load on the animal (Dawson Brown, 1970). This is most true in the fennec fox due to its sandy coloured or sometimes white fur. Meanwhile the thickness of the fur is a protection from the solar radiation of the skin. By creating this barrier, the fur prevents any damage to the skin from direct solar radiation. This is because the fur, as said before, partially reflects the solar radiation while the thicker deeper fur absorbs the heat (Dawson Brown, 1970). The heat absorption also helps the fox survive the freezing dessert nights while it feeds, by preventing the fennecs core body temperature from dropping too low. Physiological Physiological adaptions are changes in the animal’s system processes to enable them to adapt to changes in the environment. These changes enable the fennec to adapt to the extreme environment of the North African deserts. Carnivores, just as the fennec, are found in a number of deserts around the world. A major challenge that these organisms face is the replenishment of water. The fennec gains its water requirements solely from having mostly a carnivorous diet. The fennec, by eating alone, can maintain its water balance for over 100 days without having to drink (Vaughn, et al., 2000). This is done by the fennec having very concentrated urine that uses the least amount of water possible to function. This conserves a vast amount of water and coupled with its very low evaporate loss. Therefore it rivals small desert rodents in its water conservation (Vaughn, et al., 2000). This relates to selective predation and an ability to feed on a wide variety of food stuffs, while being abl e to become more economical with its metabolic water. The adaption of having a low basal metabolic rate is crucial to survival in dessert conditions. The fennec is no exception to this; it has one of the lowest BMRs of all Vulpes species of 60.7 percent (Golightly Ohmart, 1983). This means at rest the fox only uses the minimal amount of water needed to survive. This adaption allows a minimalized endogenous heat load which conserves metabolic water. This saving of water becomes critical in the desert due to the low precipitation levels and therefore having the adaptation of a low BMR helps maintain any dietary water acquired and conserves it. Behavioural Behavioural adaptations are changes in the animals conduct help it survive in a certain environment. Previously, little was known about the fennec foxes diet. It was previously thought that they were primarily insectivores and had barely any variety in their diet. However, a new study has shown that they are actually opportunistic feeders with food items being mostly insects, but it also feeds on small mammals and even plant material (Brahmi, et al., 2012). The study also shows that locality and abundance of food can also change the feeding behaviour of the fennec. This adaption is critical to the survival of any dessert animals. The ability to feed on many different food sources opens up many more niches and availability for the animal to survive and feed (Brahmi, et al., 2012). Panting is an adaption that requires short shallow respiration and is solely used in heat dissipation. Panting makes use of evaporative cooling of the mouth, lung and nasal mucosa. This is a very effective way of cooling down without having to sweat. This main advantage over sweating is that in sweating there is salt loss, while in panting there is not (Vaughn, et al., 2000). This is key to the survival of the fennec because of the shortage of food; therefore the fennec cannot regain the salt quicker than the animal uses up. If the fennec sweated this could become a huge problem, so it has overcome this problem by making use of the more efficient panting for heat dissipation (Vaughn, et al., 2000). Fennec fox families live and thrive in burrows; these help counteract the daily effects of high temperature and low humidity of the desert days. They provide shelter from sun exposure and the highest temperatures of the dessert day. A study in tortoises shows that burrows provide a great place to refuge in a desert environment. The study showed that the burrow at 10:00 -12:00 hrs had much higher humidity and lower temperature than the external environment (Bulova, 2002). This lowers the total evaporate water loss which helps the animal, in this case the fennec, conserve metabolic water, which is key to desert survival. Fennecs therefore make use of the much more stable and milder environment inside the burrow. This helps shelter the fennec from extreme conditions and helps conserve water. This is due to the soil temperature maintaining stability no matter what the conditions are outside. The burrow controls the internal environment due to the thermal insulating properties of the soil (Reichman Smith, 1990). Therefore the burrow is cooler during the day and warmer during the freezing desert nights. Conclusion To conclude there are many adaptations the fennec has; may that be morphological, physiological and behavioural. The adaptations are a necessity to survive in such an extreme climate, such as the dessert; with high heat loads during the day, freezing temperatures in the night, food and water sources are scarce. The adaptions that the fennec utilises all boil down to protection from the incredible temperature change in the dessert, by having large ears to dissipate heat and fur that can reflect but also absorb the heat. This gives protection from solar radiation during the day, and insulation during the night. The other main reason for having many complex adaptations is to conserve water. The fennec’s metabolic water level is maintained by having a low BMR which uses less water in metabolic activity at rest, and also the concentrated urine which reduces the loss of water via waste. In my mind the fennec fox is perfectly adapted to cope with the extremes of desert life, by contr olling its water conservation and body temperature. Word count: 1,508 References: Brahmi, K. et al., 2012. First quantitative data on the diet of the fennec fox, Vulpes zerda (Canidae, Carnivora), in Algeria. Folia Zoologica, 61(1), pp. 61-70. Bulova, j., 2002. How temperature, humidity, and burrow selection affect evaporative water loss in desert tortoises. Journal Of Thermal Biology, 27(3), pp. 175-189. Dawson, T. Brown, G., 1970. Comparison Of The Insulative AndReflective Properties Of The Fur of Desert Kangaroos. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Volume 37, pp. 23-28. Ewer, R., 1973. The Carnivores. 1st ed. s.l.:weidenfeld and nicolson. Fox, M., 1975. The Wild Canids Their Systematics, Behavioural Ecology and Evolution. 1st ed. s.l.:Litton Educational Publishing, Inc. Golightly, R. Ohmart, R., 1983. Metabolism and body temperature of two desert canids: cototes and kit foxes. Journal of Mammalogy, 64(4), pp. 624-635. The Nature of Wildworks. 2014. The Nature of Wildworks. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 12 February 2014]. Reichman, O. Smith, S., 1990. Burrows And Burrowing Behavior By Mammals. Current Mammalogy, pp. 197-224. Vaughn, t., Ryan, J. Czaplewski, N., 2000. Mammology. 4th ed. s.l.:Saunders college publishing. Wathen, P., Mitchell, J. Porter, W., 1971. Theoretical and Experimental Studies of Energy Exchange from Jackrabbit Ears and Cylindrically Shaped Appendages. Biophysical Journal, 11(12), pp. 1030-1047. Harvard – Anglia 2008

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Drug Wars In Mexico: Overview of Cartels

Drug Wars In Mexico: Overview of Cartels A wise man once said, Im the king of the trap, El Chapo Jr, this man was 2 Chainz. Im talking about El Chapo and Mexican drug wars in general. Unlike most other research paper topics, drug wars are going on right now. In fact, from the time that you woke up yesterday morning to the time that you went to sleep last night, about 103 people died because of the drug war. Mexican drug wars are the result of killing for money, long time gang feuds, and because of the actions of high level drug lords. Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto has made progress in stopping the drug violence. He has done things such as dropping homicide numbers 30% and arresting Joaquin Guzman in 2014. Money is the main reason for The Drug War. If it wasnt for the billions of dollars involved, most people probably wouldnt get involved in the lifestyle. Mexico, on average, spends about $431,000,000 per year on illegal drugs. Mexican authorities have revealed that drug cartels earn an estimated $64,340,000,000 per year off of the United States alone! That is enough money to buy every NBA and NFL franchise ( Its not only large industries that make billions of dollars. Forbes Magazine estimated that his net worth is in the billions. The United States Government announced that a $5,000,000 reward was waiting for anyone who gave information leading to his location and arrest. Car ·tel (kà ¤rˈtel) n. An association of manufacturers or suppliers with the purpose of maintaining prices at a high level and restricting competition. Drug cartels pretty much run Mexico. The three main cartels in Mexico are the Tijuana, Sinaloa, and the Mara Salvatrucha Cartel. The Tijuana Cartel traces back the the Sinaloa State. Founded in the 1960s, the founders were Pedro Aviles Perez, Rafael Caro Quintero, and Ernesto Fonseca. It is important to note that the gang is a shell of what it was in the late 1990s (Insight Crime, 2015). The Sinaloa Cartel, often described as the largest and most powerful drug trafficking organization in the Western Hemisphere, is where the famous drug lord, El Chapo, thrives from (Insight Crime, 2015). El Mayo is second in command with the Sinaloa. While El Chapo has been sidelined in jail for short periods of time El Mayo takes over and handles things to perfection. El Mayo is a 68 year old man that has been in the business his whole life. He was the leader of El Chapos escape from prison in 2001 and in 2015. The origins can be traced back to Guadalajara cartel. In 1985 the cartel was involved in the 1985 torture and murder of a U.S. drug enforcement agent. While Mexico and the United States were on the hunt for whoever was behind all of this the cartel split up into multiple groups. The Sinaloa Cartel came out the most powerful. The Mara Salvatrucha Cartel is considered the most powerful street gang in the Western Hemisphere. They rob and bully their way into neighborhoods and have turned to crimes such as human smuggling and drug trafficking. The Mara Salvatrucha Cartel (MS13) was founded in the barrios of Los Angeles in the 1980s. The gang was made from immigrants to the United States because of a civil war going on in El Salvador, their previous home. The gangs members are often decorated with tattoos all over their body, and often on their face. National Security and Foreign Affairs Reporter JP Carroll said, MS-13 tattoos partially mean loyalty to the group or family, but they mainly demonstrate the identification to a specific lifestyle, representing the culture of the street. Also in this scenario, tattoos were like like a baptism of the member into a group, representing the turning point of the appartenance (The Daily Caller). El Chapo is right behind Pablo Escobar when it comes to most notorious drug lords in history. El Chapo was born in La Tuna somewhere from 1954-1957. There are no existing birth certificates of him that we know of. El Chapo is a professional at escaping prison. His latest escape was in 2015 from the Metropolitan Correctional Center in Manhattan, New York. He escaped through a 60 foot deep tunnel leading him to freedom. In the 10th-floor Special Housing Unit, known by its acronym, the SHU, pronounced like the shoe, around a dozen prisoners spend 23 hours a day in 20-by-12-foot cells, prohibited from communicating with one another. Meals are eaten in cells, and exercise is in a recreation area specifically for these inmates (Fox News). El Chapo has a lot of power in Mexico and all over the world. He became the Sinaloa Cartel leader in 1980 and needless to say, hes a billionaire. The Mexican Drug Wars will end soon. The FBI is cracking down on leaders more and more every day. Drug lords like El Chapo are always going to be on the run, Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto has already made a ridiculous amount of progress but he wont be stopped until the fighting stops. The Mexican people live in fear every day. The people of Columbia believed that just because you are involved in the drug scene doesnt make you a bad person. Pablo Escobar is known as a hero in Columbia. He took care of the people of his country. The people of Columbia saw him as a father.Behind every crime is a story of sadness- Enrique Pena Nieto. Works Cited Crime, InSight. Tijuana Cartel. InSight Crime | Organized Crime In The Americas. Insight Crime, 17 Nov. 2015. Web. 27 Feb. 2017. Drug Cartel. Britannica School, Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica, 6 May. 2016. Accessed 7 Feb. 2017. Enrique Peà ±a Nieto. Britannica School, Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica, 12 Jan. 2017. Accessed 7 Feb. 2017. Joaquà ­n Guzmà ¡n Loera. Britannica School, Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica, 19 Jan. 2017. Accessed 7 Feb. 2017. Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13). Britannica School, Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica, 26 May. 2016. Accessed 7 Feb. 2017. Post, Latin. How Mexican Drug Cartels Earn Billions in Drug Trade. Latin Post. KJ Marino, 03 Feb. 2016. Web. 28 Feb. 2017.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Brutus Cassius is the Hero in Shakespeares Julius Caesar :: essays research papers

Julius Caesar is a liberal play, for it has three heroes, Caesar, Anthony and Brutus, of whom Brutus is the most large souled and sympathetic.(Mary McCarthy’s Theatre Chronicles 1937-1962) The play Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare focuses on two dimensions of Roman history. The first dimension focuses on Julius Caesar and his rise to dictatorship. The second dimension focuses on Julius Caesar’s assignation and the revenge that his taken to avenge his death. Most scholars and critics of the play have focused on Caesar or Brutus has the hero of the play. This is due to the fact that the events surrounding the play are centered on Caesar the great dictator, his assignation making him the hero. On the other hand the play could also be said to be centered on Brutus who is a character that is internal turmoil makes him the center of attraction torn between the love of a good friend and the love of Rome. Most persons however over look a very important character that one does not get to see his character and greatness until the last part of the play, this character is Anthony. Anthony could also be looked at has the plays hero. A hero can be defined has as a person admired for courage, nobility or a person who exploits especially in the case of a war. Caesar, Brutus and Anthony are heroes of the play Julius Caesar they are only, just given different moments to shine. Each character has a specific time in the play where they are highlighted and seen has a hero in some extent or form. In the book Shakespeare’s use of Learning by V.K. Whitaker what Shakespeare sources develop has fact he in his play develops a hypothesis. In righting the play Julius Caesar Shakespeare turned to many historical documents has his sources. However in the play out of attempt to make the characters not only great men and leaders of Rome but real people with weaknesses and strengths. He alters the recorded history and makes events and characters more enticing to the audience because they are characters, persons can relate to. This is why the image of large souled and sympathetic could be a characteristic derived form Brutus by writers such as Mary McCarty. Julius Caesar his held in very high esteems by Shakespeare. Brutus Cassius is the Hero in Shakespeare's Julius Caesar :: essays research papers Julius Caesar is a liberal play, for it has three heroes, Caesar, Anthony and Brutus, of whom Brutus is the most large souled and sympathetic.(Mary McCarthy’s Theatre Chronicles 1937-1962) The play Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare focuses on two dimensions of Roman history. The first dimension focuses on Julius Caesar and his rise to dictatorship. The second dimension focuses on Julius Caesar’s assignation and the revenge that his taken to avenge his death. Most scholars and critics of the play have focused on Caesar or Brutus has the hero of the play. This is due to the fact that the events surrounding the play are centered on Caesar the great dictator, his assignation making him the hero. On the other hand the play could also be said to be centered on Brutus who is a character that is internal turmoil makes him the center of attraction torn between the love of a good friend and the love of Rome. Most persons however over look a very important character that one does not get to see his character and greatness until the last part of the play, this character is Anthony. Anthony could also be looked at has the plays hero. A hero can be defined has as a person admired for courage, nobility or a person who exploits especially in the case of a war. Caesar, Brutus and Anthony are heroes of the play Julius Caesar they are only, just given different moments to shine. Each character has a specific time in the play where they are highlighted and seen has a hero in some extent or form. In the book Shakespeare’s use of Learning by V.K. Whitaker what Shakespeare sources develop has fact he in his play develops a hypothesis. In righting the play Julius Caesar Shakespeare turned to many historical documents has his sources. However in the play out of attempt to make the characters not only great men and leaders of Rome but real people with weaknesses and strengths. He alters the recorded history and makes events and characters more enticing to the audience because they are characters, persons can relate to. This is why the image of large souled and sympathetic could be a characteristic derived form Brutus by writers such as Mary McCarty. Julius Caesar his held in very high esteems by Shakespeare.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Is the Notion of an Early Modern Military Revolution Tenable? Essays

Is the Notion of an Early Modern Military Revolution Tenable? The notion of an early modern military revolution is one which is a much debated subject among historians. Two historians who are very dominant in this field are Geoffrey Parker and Michael Roberts. Although they both agree that a military revolution occurred, they disagree on the timing of a revolution in war. Roberts argues that a military revolution started in 1560 and "by 1660, the modern art of war had come to birth." Parker, on the other hand, sees the military revolution as a "firmly sixteenth century phenomenon with antecedents in the fifteenth." Prior to the early modern period, warfare was based around castles and fortified towns and attempts to capture them. This changed very little in the middle ages. Armies had a maximum of forty thousand soldiers, many of whom were mercenaries (1550). Armies consisted of Pike men in square formations supported by cavalry and musketeers. Battles often ended in a stalemate and wars were very lengthy as a result of this. Through the military revolution emerged new tactics, technology and style of warfare. Michael Roberts acknowledged four revolutionary traits of what he called the military revolution. "First, the superiority of disciplined infantry - musketeers rather than pike men - armed and drilled to prosecute a field battle by the ordered application of firepower, not the hurly-burly of man-man combat; second, themanifestly greater size of these new-style, mostly musketeer armies; third, the emergence of bolder, more dramatic strategies designed to seek a decisive battle at the culmi nation of a sharp campaign; and fourth, a need for larger and more reliable and intrusive commissariats and military bureaucraci... ...tary revolution occurred is not tenable but the notion that the face of warfare, the order of the world and the way people perceived war changed in this period and has shaped the modern world definitely is tenable. Bibliography Jeremy Black Ed: European Warfare 1453 - 1815 (Problems in Focus) Macmillan Press Limited 1999 H. G. Koenigsberger: Early Modern Europe 1500 - 1789 (The Silver Library) Pearson Education Limited 1987 J. M. Roberts: The Penguin History of Europe Penguin Books 1997 Michael Roberts: The Military Revolution 1560 - 1660 Boulder, CO, 1995 G Parker: The Military Revolution: Military Innovation and the Rise of the West 1500 - 1800 Second Edition Cambridge University Press 1996 G Parker Ed: The Cambridge Illustrated History of Warfare Cambridge University Press 1995 Stephen J. Lee: The Thirty Years War TJ Press (Padstow) 1991

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Huawei Research Essay

The purpose of this report is to find out how Huawei positioned in the industry of mobile phone. We went through all Huawei’s background, offering, purpose, market contexts and understanding the business operations of Huawei. We also analyse and evaluate what marketing strategies and marketing mix to help them hold their position in such competitive industry. After understanding the concept of the marketing strategies, we investigate that the marketing segmentation and the targeting strategies which Huawei used to position itself in the market. We use it to compare and explain why the Huawei choose the strategies in promoting their products. After investigating the Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning (STP) marketing strategies, we have done our further report with the concept of the marketing mix as known as the 4Ps – Promotion, Pricing, Products and Place. After the identification and discussion of marketing mix, we found out that Huawei is facing some problems and we come up with our ideas, recommendation and suggestion how Huawei can overcome these current concerns and further concerns. Huawei enterprise has segments into different markets which are carrier network business, enterprise business and consumer business. However, Huawei is targeting more towards the consumer business and it segments the market into two parts again which are low income group and high income group. According to the segment variables, Huawei’s products are mainly targeting on low income consumers as Huawei is producing low price smartphones which are affordable by the target groups. Huawei’s positioning as the world’s third smartphone enterprise and known as the world’s largest telecoms operators offering global equipment, operational services and manufacturing electronic communications devices. Huawei enterprise is in the position of low price and personal used entertaining smartphones. INTRODUCTION Overview, Company background, Company’s offering, Purpose Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. is a Chinese leading ICT provider, which was founded in 1987 September by the Ren Zheng Fei, the company’s president and the ex-People’s Liberation Army engineer, established in ShenZhen, China. Huawei is a private firm that owned by its own employees. Huawei is the leading telecommunications equipment manufacturing supplier and was ranked among the top three globally in mobile phone industry. The vision of Huawei is to enhance people’s lives through communication. While their mission is to focus on their clients’ market challenges and desires by providing better ICT solutions and services in order to consistently produce maximum value for clients. Huawei’s core values have been divided into customers first, dedications, continuous improvement, openness & initiative, integrity and teamwork. (Huawei, 2014) Market contexts, Use of concepts and Theories Market contexts help firm to analyse and get more personalized and relevant marketing contents. Market context is also known as SWOT. Information shown below is the Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat (SWOT) of Huawei. ( Huawei,2014) (1) Strength: Huawei invested a huge amount in R&D, having wide vision and experienced sales organisation to help them in emerging markets and the cost advantage. (2) Weaknesses: Lack of awareness and experience outside telecom, the margin pressure due their low price products. (3) Opportunities: Their business models are all towards cloud and have huge data solutions. (4) Threats: Many competitors are entering these developing markets. Company planned their marketing strategies with 4Ps, which includes product, price, promotion and place. Huawei have produced low-cost smartphone to its low-income target. As its production base is in China which has low labour cost, hence Huawei could enjoy the cost advantage. Besides, Huawei is using the selective distribution strategy and also e-commerce distribution channel to sell their products. Last but not least, Huawei promotes their products by making advertisement, having exhibitions and also making a slogan that could make their low-price products well-known and recognized. BODY 1 Concepts of STP Market Segmentation is a marketing strategy that involves dividing a broad market into subsets of consumers with different requirements, characteristics or behaviors that might involve various marketing tactics to deal with. Corporations can identify the bases and develop the profiles of the resulting segments. Segmentation : Marketing segmentation is divided into four which are geographic, demographic, psychographic and behavioral segmentations. Geographic segmentation segments the market into geographical parts to perform a company determine whether it should operate in one or a few or all the areas that geographically vital to the consumers’ needs. Examples: Nation, city, density. Demographic segmentation is the most common segmentation method for segmenting consumer groups because needs also related to the demographic elements. Examples: age, income, race. Psychographic segmentation is classification of customers with regard to different characteristic. Examples: lifestyle, personality, core values. Behavioural segmentation can filters consumers into groups according to their knowledge, attitude, habit or response to a product. Examples: occasion, benefits and user rates. Targeting: Targeting is the process to help companies to filter and select potential customers to plan marketing strategy and develop a more specific tactic to reach the amount of expected sales. There are 3 general tactics in targeting the market: Undifferentiated targeting is the strategy that the company has a very competitive product that might monopolize the market and don’t need differentiate consumer group. Concentrated targeting is the company has a very strong data and company know which consumer group they should aim and let them become more competitive in the market. Multi-Segment targeting is the technique used to focus two or more well researched consumer groups so  can develop different strategies. Positioning: Positioning is improving the awareness, perceptions and impressions of consumers. Positioning can be a really efficient instrument to tempt consumers. Companies can utilize the concept of positioning and differentiation to identify themselves by bringing the distinctive value and benefits to consumers and become more competitive. BODY 2 Market Segmentation Carrier network business, enterprise business and consumer business are the three core business segments that divided by Huawei enterprise. The first segmentation which is carrier network business is mainly emphasizing on telecommunications operator and services worldwide. In order to achieve this, Huawei develop various wireless network products, at the same time they offer consistent experiences and effectives solutions to their customers. Secondly, enterprise network business mainly serves government, public utilities and enterprises customers. It provides great efficiency to ICT solutions, hardware equipment and services which include network infrastructure, cloud computing, and enterprise information solutions. Huawei aims to become one of the leading global mobile phone brands by 2015. As the results of it, the third market segment develops and manufactures consumer product, for example mobile broadband devices, home devices, smartphone, and related applications. The enterprise highly focuses on fulfilling consumers’ needs and wants. Above are generally three business segmentations that Huawei enterprise focuses on. However, to meet the assignment question requirement, Consumer Business segment is interpreted in more detail forms as below. Segmentation Income Segmentation Psychographic Segmentation Behavioral segmentation Income Level Social Class Lifestyle Benefit sought High-income Upper and upper-middle Luxury Uniqueness, brand image, deliverability and relevant Low-income Working and lower-middle Economy Desirability, deliverability and relevant Based on demographic segmentation, Huawei sorted it’s customer to low-income segment and higher income segment. As a relative new comer in smartphone market, Huawei have already captured the attention of low-income segment customers (Segmentation A), who are earning relative low income and stands at the working or lower-middle of social class. This segment has a normal or economy lifestyle and they emphasize more on the value of money. While in segmentation B, who has higher income or work as supervisor and above. They are standing on the upper or upper-middle of social class. Hence they are having a luxury lifestyle, which focus more on the uniqueness or appearance. Targeting According to research firm Gartner, smartphones’ share of worldwide mobile phones sales in year 2012 went up 12.3 percent every year from 26.6 percent in 2011, driving overall mobile sales consistently as feature phones showed  a decline in demand. However, smartphones market is rapidly well structured, in order to capture the consumers’ eyes and able to compete with others well-known brand, Huawei enterprise firstly decided to target one significant segment to enter the smartphone market. Target lower-income segment: From the demographic segmentation, Huawei targets at low-income segment consumers. As a new-comer of mobile device market, Huawei started its business at lower-end market segment. More than half of those Huawei phones were sold to people with household income of $35,000 or less, a low income segment.(NPD, 2012) Huawei succeeded in its smartphone business is due to the aggressive lower-end pricing, said Neil Shah, analyst of wireless device strategies at Strategy Analytics. The production cost is lower than other smartphone brand, and the company set it’s smartphone product at lower price, it directly attract those low income consumers to buy Huawei smartphone or tablet products. The company designs low profile development to meet growing domestic demand for cheaper smartphone, and it also indirectly stimulate the country’s economics.( Bourcier, J.,2014) The reason that Huawei chooses to target lower-income market is that lower production cost yet bigger income.( Khan, S ., 2013) It can be explained that lower income consumers have more affordability and more willingness to buy the low cost smartphone. As a result of it, bigger profit margin is successfully gained. Besides, global market giant such as Samsung and Apple have long ignored the lower-end market, it the best chance for Huawei to dominate the lower-end market segment consumers, and it proved that Huawei has succeeded setting their aggressive marketing strategy. Finding others omission and work on it is their strategy to capture the consumers’ wants and needs. It is also the second reason that Huawei tends to target lower-income consumers. For example, Huawei I M835 model Android smartphone retails at $39, and it is cheaper than some others smartphone brand, at the same time, the average smartphone selling price was $335 in 2013, IDC reported. According to the store assistant Ron Wemirovsky, Huawei’s smartphone attracts lower-income customers. The Huawei M835 is the cheapest Android smartphone in the market.(Tung, A., 2014) Furthermore, South Pacific at Huawei’s regional marketing director, Tang Siew Wai, claimed that their  overall strategy is to extend its bus iness from B2B to B2C, mainly to make well known Huawei -branded, and shifting it’s smartphone business products from lower-end products to both middle and high range products globally. (Khan, S., 2013) Positioning Huawei maintains its strong market position. According to IDC, Huawei maintained the third position over the world, it attained the highest yearly increase among the leading vendors, and raised its brand portfolio with a higher proportion of self-branded unite compare to other enterprises (Troianovski, A., 2014). Furthermore, Huawei enterprise also maintained their strong market position in other field, for example they are the world largest telecoms operators offering global equipment, operational services and manufacturing electronic communications devices such as smartphone and tablets. From the figure above, it shows Huawei smartphone in significant position which is low price and personal used entertaining smartphones. Huawei’s strong market position indicates the superiority on providing services and also indicates the company is enjoying a well-known brand name that its effectively merging into new products line and market to capture market share from the competitors. Although Huawei has got its target low-end segment marketing strategy successfully, yet the company are having several strong competitors to compete with each other on the low pricing smartphone market, for example ZTE and Lenovo. According to Gartner, while Huawei and ZTE are competing with each other furiously, Lenovo’s smartphone fugitively developed its brand in the market. Other than that, Nokia has also got its low pricing strategy in China and it makes the competition among the companies that target low-end segment into a drastic scene. In conclusion, Huawei’s strong pos ition in the smartphone market and other field products markets has strengthened the company competiveness. Besides, innovation is important for the company, the transformation of different targeting segmentation can be a way to maintain the company’s strong influence in the market. BODY 3 In business world, no matter you are product or service base company, marketing mix strategies is a must in generating sales by implementing their own marketing strategies. There are 4 elements in marketing mix strategies which are product, price, promotion and place. Product Reportedly, Huawei’s smartphone shipments show an increment of 67% annually to 13 million units in the third quarter of 2013, which captured 5% of the global smartphone market (Huawei Investment & Holding Co. Ltd, 2014). According to Kotler & Armstrong (2014), there are three levels fall under the product which are core customer value, actual product and augmented product. A research (BBC, 2013) shows Ascend Y100 is chosen as well known product in the Huawei Company as the price is below $99. This Ascend Y100 is targeting the low income customers where the customers show their core values while purchasing this product. The core customer values that can be found are the customers are spending less on the mobile phone and get an equal quality of smartphone specifications. Furthermore, actual product includes the brand name, quality level, and features. Huawei Ascend Y100 is one of the smartphone brand names in the Huawei Company. The quality of this smartphone may not as grand a s those premium phones; however, it does not really feel fragile either. Ascend Y100 has an anti- fingerprint surface, as the screen and the phone is surrounded by gloss black bezel (Huawei Ascend Y100 Android phone, 2013). The specifications of Ascend Y100 are storage capacity with 512 MB and it is expandable to 32 GB, screen sharpness of 143 pixels per inch, and it runs the Gingerbread 2.3 version of Android (Huawei Ascend Y100 Specifications, 2014). Even though Ascend Y100 is fall under the low price smartphone, but it offers all the features of most other Android smartphones such as Wi- Fi, a Web browser, and GPS. Last but not least, warranty, delivery and credit, and after sales service can be concluded in the last level, augmented product. There is a one year manufacturer warranty on the smartphone and only six months warranty for the accessories in the product’s box. Delivery process will be done upon online purchasing and credit payment services are provided too. A cross- technology method should  be used by Huawei to improve their productivity on all the mobile phones especially Ascend Y100. This can increase the specifications and designation of the products. Huawei can hire more fore ign employees to get different type of technology ideas and use it in developing the new products. A mixture of different ideas from different country can make a product more efficient and productive. Price According to Market research institution International Data Corp. (IDC), Huawei is the third largest smartphone maker in the world, which comes after Apple and Samsung. However, a lot may ask how Huawei can make it especially with those high recognition brands like Nokia and HTC. In fact, Huawei is making a good call in the lower end smartphone market, which is also one of the reasons that Huawei became a giant in the mobile phone industry (CaixinOnline,2013). They enter the industry with the intention to create low cost smartphone to all consumers, especially those with low-income. This makes a good call because the market in China is highly competitive, where a lot of people are stuck with low-paid jobs and high living cost in the city. As Huawei has their main factory in China to assemble their product, they are able to enjoy the labour cost advantage. China is known for their cheap labour cost compared to other countries, which helps Huawei to lower their devices’ prices a nd competes with others. For example, one of the Huawei’s mobile devices, Ascend Y100 was sold for only $99. Although it is a lot cheaper than those big brands, but its function is almost as good as it is (CNN,2013). This shows that they are having competitive advantage and results a rapid growth in Huawei’s sales. According to the vice minister of Information Department of China Center for International Economic Exchanges, he pointed out that living cost in China is rising due to the inflation and the increasing Chinese wage to international standards, caused the rise in China labour cost (ChinaDaily,2013). While in India, company would able to have lower Indian labour costs and currency (BusinessToday,2014). Hence, India is a good option to set up their production base in order to keep their products at a lower price. Promotion Promotion is the most concerned strategy by the Huawei Company where they are promoting their brand through advertising, public relations, personal selling, marketing and media. Huawei is advertising the smartphones to the world especially the low income consumers saying that they have the lowest price of mobile phones which indicates Ascend Y100 through YouTube, Congress and also TV. For instance, Huawei has introduced a new slogan in Mobile World Congress 2013 – Make It Possible. This slogan is designates for the consumers which allow them to dream by offering a vision of a mobile world where the journeys are never hindered by lines or limitations (Huawei Device Argentina, 2013). The low income consumers are now daring to dream there is a smartphone which the price is less than $99. Moreover, Kotler & Armstrong (2014) found that personal selling is the presentation by the firm’s sales department to increase the sales and build the customer relationship such as busines s promotion that involves trade shows. Example, Huawei takes the opportunity to introduce their mobile phones in the Mobile World Congress (MWC) which known as the world’s largest mobile trade show (Moore, 2014). This MWC is best for Huawei to display their product such as Ascend Y100 because MWC is the world’s best venue for seeking industry opportunities, making deals, and networking (Mobile World Congress, 2014). In addition, Huawei can promote their products through TED Talk. According to TED Conference, TED is a non-profit devoted to share ideas in communities around the world, usually in the form of short, powerful talks (18 minutes or less). TED began in 1984 as a conference in more than 100 languages where Technology, Entertainment and Design converged. Therefore, Huawei can invite their professional developers to give a short talk on TED Talk to let the whole world recognise and acknowledge about Huawei’s low- price products. Place There are 3 distribution strategies for each of the company to implement in their marketing strategy. They are selective distribution, intensive distribution, and exclusive distribution. All of these are strategies to approach the consumer through different distribution channels. In order to approach the consumers, Huawei is using the selective distribution strategy which involves selling their products in the most fitting and best-performing outlets. With a limited number of outlets, Huawei is able to  concentrate on their selling effort rather than dissipating it over countless marginal ones. According to Wang Weijun, head of Huawei Device Co Ltd in China, Huawei has already signed strategic cooperation agreements with Suning, Gome and D.Phone (ChinaDaily,2012). They are the few largest privately owned retailers that sell electrical appliance in the Mainland China. By selling their products there, Huawei is able to sell their products to the low-income group as most of them will search for a phone that includes good quality and features with a reasonable price in those electrical based retailers. They may compare the products with one another and choose the one which is good value for money. Other than selling their products in the outlet stores, e-commerce is also an important way for mobile phone sales. With the continue rise of e-commerce, Huawei is taking a step further to develop their e-commerce business. In addition to theirs online shopping mall, other e-commerce distribution channel like 360buy and Dangdang are also Huawei’s working partner in selling their mobile devices (WantChinaTimes,2012). Lastly, in order to demonstrate its product and also increase the brand recognition, flagship stores in few major cities like Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, are planned to establish. CONCLUSION Granting to the research and the report has been executed, obviously that Huawei involved in the Smartphone industry in a great timing because the industry is in the growing stage, and Huawei uses their low pricing advantage to capture the low income consumer groups. Besides that, Huawei is still holding their strong position in the other field such like global equipment, operational services and more. After our investigation, we found out that the major problem facing by Huawei is the both competitors which are Samsung and iPhone. Although Huawei is the third biggest Smartphone provider in the world, where Samsung leads with 29% and Apple gets a 22% of the Smartphone market, but Huawei only has 5% shares in the smartphone industry and it shows a distance between Huawei and the top two competitors. This is because Samsung and iPhone already positioned well in the individual consumer market and both have a longer history than Huawei. The reputation  of China products decelerates the sales of Huawei in the overseas market causes Huawei having problem to get the high income consumers’ market. In the competitive market, the changes of environmental will bring a huge impact to the company strategic so that company needs to identify and segment the market. Huawei’s marketing strategy in price is their strongest weapon to compete with the others. Huawei should expand their business to India to get cheaper labour cost to increase revenue so that they can sustain the low labour cost advantage as well. Huawei should hire more local professionals to get their ideas on the smartphone and to promote their products as the professionals will know more on the customs and the culture of the nation. With these strategies, Huawei can remain their position in the low income consumer groups and start to dominate the high income market, that’s what Nokia achieved in the 90s and 00s years. REFERENCE LIST Business Today (2014). 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Friday, August 16, 2019

Schoolhouse or Home School

What do George Washington and the Hanson brothers have in common? Do you give up? Well, the answer is that both of them were educated in their homes. Queen Elizabeth, Thomas Edison, and Theodore Roosevelt were also educated at home. According to the Home Education Research Institute, 1.5 million students are staying home for class today. This number is five times more than ten years ago (Kantrow and Wingert 66). This trend leads to many questions. Does home school education work? Do students receive a proper education? How does a home school student†s education compare to that of public school student? Does home schooling isolate a child socially? These questions are concerns of parents, educators, and politicians alike. The future of America rests on the academic and social education of our youth, and home school education should be considered as an effective alternative to public school education. In the past, parents mainly chose to educate their children at home because of religious preference. These parents viewed the public school system as a source of negative influence on children. Violence, sex, drugs, and peer pressure were influences these parents sought to avoid. However, today parents have other reasons for home school education, which primarily all point to a lackluster public school system. Other reasons include a desire to build a strong family closeness, safety, and a handful of parents chose home school for their children because of special needs such as disabilities or special talents. However, no matter how good the reasons, the home school education system must prove to be an acceptable alternative to public schools. There are many advantages to giving a student a home school education. First, parents can make direct decisions concerning what their children are taught. According to the Home School Statistics and Reports in 1997, written by founder and President Dr. Brian D. Ray, seventy-one percent of the parents who educate their children hand pick the curriculum from a variety of books, videos, and educational manuals. Another twenty-three percent order entire cirriculum packages (Ray 14). With the technology of today, parents have an unlimited source for information via the Internet, which can be easily integrated in home school education. The study also shows the education level of the parent supervising and administering the curriculum has little or no effect on the quality of education received by a student. Home-educated students whose parents did not have college degrees scored equally high on tests compared to students whose parents had college degrees(Ray 56). In addition to students† own parents teaching them, groups are formed among home school families. These groups allow students to be taught a variety of subjects by different parents that have a better understanding of subjects such as algebra, chemistry, and biology. These groups also take field trips, participate in sports, and do volunteer projects together. Another advantage of home schooling is the quality of education received by the student. How do home school students compare with public school students? This is a very important question to answer, but the answer can never be a concrete one. However all of the research I did shows that students educated in their homes have an equal or higher level of academic skills compared to the public school students. In the 1997 and 1998 ACT test scores, home school students averaged a score of 23; meanwhile the public school students averaged a score of 21(Farris 8). Also, on nationally standardized achievement exams home students again outscored public school students by at least thirty percentile points(Ray 7). While these numbers can†t truly reflect the comparison, an equal percentage of students from both groups seek college education(Ray 9). The government on all levels faces problems concerning the public school system. Funding for schools tops the problem list; local school boards and city governments are continuously fighting for tax proposals, meanwhile students in the schools suffer because of poor facilities and low salaries for teachers. The cost for taxpayers to send one student to a public school for one year is approximately $5325, while a home school student costs a parent $546 per year (Ray 11). Could an increase in home schools cut taxes? Could the money allotted for education now be used more effectively if there were fewer students? Maybe or maybe not, but if fewer students were in public schools, the chances of giving the public school student a better educational environment would increase. Many people who oppose home school programs claim interactions with other children at school are vital to their education. However, this argument usually does not work because parents who home school do not want to release their children into the negative influences that infect the public school system. After an interview with Beverly Decateau, a mother who taught her children at home for over seven years; I found that home school students participate in equally as many or more activities than public school students do. Her children and many others she knew of were active in church groups, Four-H groups, sports teams, and dance squads. All of these activities can be considered social interactions. I don†t believe the public school system has a responsibility to socialize students; that job belongs to parents. In a public school system, some students can be pinpointed and teased, and these images can damage children for life. Despite the several advantages of the home school system, many people still oppose home schooling. Home school students may not miss interactions with other students, but they will miss the experience. Certain experiences at school are considered an important part of the American way of life. Public school students will never forget experiencing homeroom parties, pep rallies, and finding classes on the first day of high school. Can a home school student†s experience compare? Probably not, but to what importance these experiences play in the education and socialization skills of a student depends on each individual student. Home school education can cause problems among children and parents. Children who have parents constantly looking over their shoulders may have difficulty breaking away from home to attend college or enter the workplace. Children might also have trouble respecting their own parent as an educator, and this lack of respect may have a negative effect on the student†s education. In order for home school education to work, the parents must be willing to sacrifice time and patience above and beyond the average parents. The parents must also be willing to give up their own careers for the future of their children. Furthermore, not all children can be successful home school students. The children must be able to make friends in informal settings, and see home school education as a way of exploring different avenues of learning. Not everyone can educate their children at home, but the more students who can receive a solid education at home would improve the education given to students at public schools. Fewer students would lead to smaller classrooms where higher paid teachers could give more attention to public school students. Funds and taxes could be used more effectively because there would be fewer students to accommodate. In the future we should support home school programs and public school education to interact with each other for the benefit of all students. Regardless of where the education of America†s youth takes place, it is vital that parents have a major role in the education of their children in order to build strong families and a strong America.