Tuesday, April 30, 2019
Explain the Scientific Management Approach with reference to Henry Essay - 1
Explain the Scientific Management Approach with reference to Henry Fayol and Frederick Taylors principles of way - Essay Exampletation of science was basically targeted at manufacturing industry and other regular responsibilities, in browse to improve productiveness and competence from top to lower echelon of leadership.On the one hand, Taylor suggests that the development of proven practices requirement to be anchored on comprehensive observation of business processes, and on thorough training and recruitment of the intimately qualified of workers, because by doing so, organizations will be guaranteed smoother processes and more profit (Maqbool, Zakariya, and Paracha, 2011). In light of this, Taylor summarised his get on in four principles namely a) scientific creation of work processes b) scientific selection and training of workers c) enlightening workers on the benefits of scientific instruction and d) specialization of employees (Taylor, 2013). All of these strategies are aimed at improving productivity and intermit gains in organizations.Taylor (2013) argues that developing a scientific system of work eases the measurement of employee output. With these analyses, positive adjustments could be affected to the equipment and workstation programs used by employees, which would eventually enhance efficiency and productivity of business.Scientific recruitment and preparation of workers to brook various workplace challenges helps to realign divergent employee aptitudes, and fit them to their respective job. In light of this, the role of management would translate in to selecting the most qualified of employees for a particular job, and training the candidates scientifically to enhance their productivity (Maqbool, Zakariya, and Paracha, 2011). For instance, a high school that is in need a graduate teacher specialised in specific subjects, would recruit such an individual from a pool of applicants, and train him or her on the lift out ways to relate wel l with students, fellow members of staff, parents, school clinicians and the immediate community to ensure they fit in the new workplace
Monday, April 29, 2019
Lessening Secondhand Smoke on Children Research Paper - 4
Lessening Secondhand Smoke on Children - Research motif ExampleThe truth of the matter is, when both an active and passive consumer inhale the tobacco plant muckle, they atomic number 18 exposed to the same chemicals and toxins, nicotine included. As opposed to adults who have the freedom and resources to choose green goddess-free environments to live in, children ar the most vulnerable group as pertains to sechand smoke exposure. Children of smoking parents are exposed to second hand smoke at home and in the car when travelling with parents. Some parents actually smoke in the car when taking their children to school or when picking them up from school. To make the matters worse, some teachers smoke in schools and therefore broadening the cycle of exposure to children further. When such children move on the streets where people smoke in public, exposure is even worse. Considering the cycle of secondhand smoke exposure to young children, measures should be spue in place to p rotect these vulnerable groups.Secondhand smoke as it is has far-reaching detrimental set up on the human body. These health problems and disease are caused by about sixty-nine different chemicals and toxins. Nicotine that is present in tobacco has been shown to cause addiction and physical dependence on tobacco products. Some of the harmful effects in the body include cardiovascular diseases, chronic bronchitis, asthma, lung cancer, reduced healing processes and low birth pack in pregnant women.The misguided perception that smoking is cool sand modern has resulted in an annex in active tobacco smokers. This is even further fueled by the advertisement placed in the media by the tobacco processing companies. Active smokers being the source of secondhand smoke, if their numbers increase, the amount of secondhand smoke increases. On the other hand, the public is increasingly becoming informed on the health hazards of tobacco smoking. As a result, there has been a public outcry
Sunday, April 28, 2019
Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 58
Marketing - Essay ExampleThe vast variety of foods available at the restaurant in comparison to other restaurants in the regions will learn that the customers are able to lease the dish of their choice.Despite the Hispanic making the larger population of Denver, rumination on other groups of people is necessary to ensure that the parentage is welcomed by all. This has been addressed by ensuring that thither is diversity of the dishes. In addition, since the languages mostly used in the region are Spanish and English, the employees are to be fluent in both languages, which will facilitate effective communication. This will ensure that all customers are fully satisfied with the service offered. In addition, consideration about demographics, age, education, and marital status is taken into account, as most of the frequent customers of restaurants in the region are youths and the unmarried. Considering this, it will be very easy to tear and maintain customers to the business.The surroundings of carrying out a business determines the success to be achieved. Operating in an environment in which the interaction between the business and the community is poor usually poses challenge to the business in achieving its set goals and objectives (Louche & Idowu, 2010). El Palenque business is ready to implement its corporate and social responsibilities, which will ensure that the blood between it and the community is continuously strengthened. Moreover, through implementing its corporate and social responsibility, we will be able to get a better understanding of the customers specific needs which when implemented, will be good to both parties. Although maintaining the corporate social responsibility will be challenging at the start of the business operations, El Palenque is dedicated in continuously improving its relationship with all the stakeholders.Since the business will be new in this region, challenges in entry are to be encountered. In addition,
Saturday, April 27, 2019
Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 45
Case Study - Essay ExampleIn response to the siemens question, granulocytosisis a condition that occurs when there are too many granulocytes in the blood. Granulocytes form and mature in the bone vegetable marrow and their role is to attack foreign matter causing inflammation or transmission. An subjoin in granulocytes occurs in response to infections, blood cell malignancies, and some autoimmune diseases. One main fuck off of granulocytosis is bone marrow disorders.A high white blood cell count is usually an indicator of infection or disease. Granulocytosis is one type of high white blood cell count. (April Kahn)I think the almost likely cause for the mans illness and death was a condition called encephalitis. On the good morning of June 4, the patient had symptoms of confusion, disorientation, and lack of reflexes. Some of these symptoms indicate not mischievous encephalitis while others indicate severe and emergency encephalitis. However, it is worth noting that the patien ts bonk was supple. In most cases of encephalitis, there is stiffness of the sleep with and the back in adults and stiffness if the whole body in babies. (Aksamit) Only occasionally does it happen that the neck and the back are supple such as in this case. Encephalitis which is an infection of the brain capacity have caused infections in the cerebrospinal system. These infections then might have subsequently caused infection of the bone marrow so causing it to produce more granulocytes and hence the earlier diagnosis of Granulocytosis as well as elevated protein levels prior to his death. Another symptom to this case was the increased abnormal activity which was another puzzle out indication. (New York Times)A serology test and brain biopsy could be used to confirm encephalitis.Serology is a blood test to get word the presence of antibodies against a microorganism.Brain Biopsy involves surgical removal of brain tissue for testing for the
Friday, April 26, 2019
COMMENT PAPER Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
COMMENT PAPER - Essay Example(Article 5. 1.a drafted by Dr. F. V. Garca Amador, Special Rapporteur, and submitted to the supranational Law Commission. International Responsibility Second Report 1957 cited in Friedmann, et.al., 760) It goes to say that Allan, even if he is non a national, will be allowed certain basic rights such as making contracts and closing deals. Since it was in like manner mentioned that the kingdom of Lunacy will not tolerate any discrimination in contracting, it is the States obligation to render necessary actions to Charlie Company, which they didrevoking Charlie Companys charter. Therefore, if the Unites States would charge the State of Lunacy in behalf of Allan, the State would not be held likely for Charlie Companys discrimination because they had already applied the necessary action.b. accord to Lunatic law any person seeking redress against a business incorporated to a lower place state law is allowed to sue in their courts. Not giving Allan the r ight to sue because of the sole agent that he is an alien is a violation of the State of Lunacys Law. The Clerk would have to formula the consequences of his/her judgments against Allan as an answer to the violation. When states fail to adhere to the international standard, a denial of justice may occur. defence force of justice holds states responsible under international law for wrongful administration of justice cyphering foreigners committed by the executive, legislative or judicial organs of the State. It includes improper administration of civil and criminal justice with regard to foreign persons, such as denial of access to courts, inadequate procedures, and unjust decisions. (Paulsson, Jan, Denial of Justice in International Law) If not given proper action by the State of Lunacy, the United States could include this power to their charges against the State in which they will be held liable.c. The State of Lunacy will be not held liable even though Allan is an alien and is injured during
Thursday, April 25, 2019
Health Care Insurance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Health C are Insurance - Essay ExampleInsurance are bought because it serves as a protection for people against diseases especially those that are fatal, extremely disabling and from painful medical conditions as well as the crippling cost of their treatment.In a way, insurance is also saving for the proximo for an undivided and his family who is concerned of health risks. This is a major reason that drives people to purchase health insurance. different considerations include the variables defined by economic theories such as rational choice theory, wherein costs and benefits are assessed to achieve the best trade-off in the economic exchange. The degree of importance attributed to health both by the public and the state makes health insurance different from other types of insurance that people pay for their properties such as cars and houses. The insurance involve health and well being of people. Pauly explained that in considering potential insurance reporting of two risky pro spects with the same expected value, the person attaches more value to the coverage with lower probability but higher loss-event, sacrificing premiums so that money merchant ship be funneled to the insurance that means more to the individual (p.657-658). There is also a morality aspect in being able to contribute resources, which can be allocated to help care for those who truly need it (Getzen, 2010, p.50).In the United States, there is no case insurance coverage. This has been the case since insurance plans were introduced in the country in the past. Because of this, the private insurance companies have flourished. government involvement in the industry only came after the Medicaid and Medicare were established in 1965 - two federal funded programs that set aside affordable insurance to the needy. Today, health care coverage became a national priority. President Barack Obama has pushed for a universal healthcare coverage, which
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
Merketing research strategy for a case study Paper
Merketing strategy for a grounds study - Research Paper ExampleThis matter has been made worse by a plane region of the media, which has published derogatory article showing that the yield should non be sponsored by the government. Another section of the human race argues that the event benefits commercial businesses in the Gold Coast, and hence it is not worth government sponsorship. The sideline report is prepared with the aim of justifying the current financial commitment for the event. Table of Contents Problem record 4 Background 4 Management Decision Problems 4 Marketing Research Problem (MRP) questions/ financial body politicment 5 Research objectives 5 Proposed mixed method to address MRP 5 The proposed Research design 5 Data collection instruments questionnaire 7 Sampling plan, data collection procedures and data analysis 8 distinguish limitation of the study design 10 Independent-samples t-tests 10 Analysis of variance (ANOVA) 12 Bivariate coefficient of correla tion coefficient matrix 14 References 15 PART A Problem statement Background Schoolies week is a major tourism attraction event, which takes place annually at the Gold Coast, Australia. The event, which attracts many sponsors and participants, is usually go to by students who arouse completed their Year 12 (the final year at high school). ... 4. How empennage the cast out perception of the members of the community against Schoolies be changed? 5. What actions can be interpreted to curb the medias negative in the public eye(predicate)ity of the Schoolies? 6. What information can be gathered to justify the financial commitments of Schoolies? 7. What actions can be taken to show the locals that Schoolies is a worthy public project? Justification Since the Schoolies events were started in 1975, many negative behaviors have resulted in the events negative publicity, and actions needs to be taken to address this problem, if the event is going to get public good will. This negative pu blicity has been as a result of negative behaviors, such as drunkenness, which find civil disturbances in the main street. As such, the actions that should be undertaken to rescue the good name of this project, should focus on changing the behavior of the students who participate, because this is the root cause of problems. Despite its perceived social economic benefits, the role of the state government as a financier of the event has faced many hurdles because some groups, including the members of the enemy have argued that the event is largely benefiting the private sector such as the hotels along the beach, hence not worth the sponsorship. This calls for a deliberate action by the government to ensure that the real benefit of the event to the members of the public is evident, to justify its financial commitment. Marketing Research Problem (MRP) questions/statement 1. why do the media and the public consider Schoolies as a negative project that is not worthy commitment of public resources? 2. Why do the youth who attend the
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
Major book review only from chapter 6 to 9 Essay
Major book review only from chapter 6 to 9 - Essay ExampleThere existed financial instability in the say owing to fringy tax rates on land property, which organise the primary source of revenue. The economic slide of the state in 1837 was fueled by heavy debts, corruption in banks, depression in England, and failure in cotton and wheat crops. The prevailing Jackson administration added fuel to fire through short sight policies. Specie circular, introduced to contain situation, further spoiled condition as stack lost faith in paper currency. Arkansas had become synonym to crime, hostility, poverty etc. Duels between high officials and killing individually other had become common during the period.However, there was an influx of a number of settlers which was primarily due to the largess law of 1840 under which the state provided every member of the family with 160 acres plot. About three and half(a) a million acres of land was distributed under the law. The population rose to three times from 1930 to 1940. The people were generally farmers who either owned the land or worked on donated land. Lack of schooling infrastructure was another(prenominal) drawback in the Arkansas owing to general poor conditions. Among the rich, education was through private tutors. River travel formed the major mode of transport in the absence of bridges over rivers.Texas, with cheap real estate, was an imminent threat to Arkansas. Political pressure built up which led to annexation of Texas in 1845, infuriating Mexico. cash rush of 1949 to California started the westward emigration. Prices of daily commodities shot up in the region. People underwent long journeys in search of gold and majority of them failed miserably. Those who traded were successful. Later, westward migration was for settlers or seekers of permanent home in the west. However, Massacre in Meadows brought westward emigration to an abrupt halt and Texas remained the main destination for
Monday, April 22, 2019
Mahatma Gandhi Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Mahatma Gandhi - Essay illustrationlingIt is true that Imam Hussein adhered to his righteous denial to submit to the unjust authority of Yazeed Ibn Muyawia and sacrificed his own and his populates lives for what he thought to be right, he never excluded the option of using arms against Yazeeds army. Here, Gandhis leadership significantly differs from that of Imam Hussein. There are other differences too. Gandhi had been able to establish the model of his goal and sure-firely shared his vision with the Indians. This success further enabled him to challenge his own model in numerous sociopolitical movements, and subsequently to bring some minor changes in his way. Thus, taking les tidingss from those challenges, he had been able to countenance others to act effectively against the sociopolitical evils. But the question is whether Hussein himself used this tactics and traits of effective leadership successfully. In fact, a critical analysis of Husseins and Gandhis leaderships test ament necessarily reveal that Gandhi took the that lesson of adhering to ones righteous claim nonviolently from the example of Imam Husseins martyrdom. In other cases, Hussein was not a successful leader at all. If he were a successful leader, he would possess all of the characteristics of effective leadership. Necessarily, he could convince more people and take them with him to the competitiveness Field of Karbala. In that case, he might not have faced such a tragical end. Mohandas K. Gandhi was one of the most influential sociopolitical leaders of modern history. He is famous for his contribution to the fate of in advance(p) India, a country which is, to a great extent, indebted to him for her freedom in 1947. In fact, this association of Gandhi with the egression of India made him a political figure. He passed a considerable part of his life as a political campaigner in the Congress, a political party of India under the British rule. Even if Gandhi was an active political a ctivist, his activities involved innumerous social and political reformations in his country. It successfully brought him the landslide popularity among common Indians. therefore the question whether he was primarily a political figure or a social will continue to engender debate till one fails to pursue the true Gandhian nationalist zeal. The son of a senior British Government clerk, Gandhi adamantly believed in the soul of democracy and the formal pop politics.1 Once he was a devout British patriot who motivated the Indians to support the British soldiery against Zulu Kingdom in 1906. Anticipating the Indians weakness to confront the British Empire militarily, he chose to play the game of differ against the British tyranny within the British-induced political system in order to avoid the path of bloodbath and wanted to provoke his nation to be aware politically and then to oppose it from within.2 In this regard, his ahead of time experience of successful civil-disobedience or non-violent protest against the segregation Act of the Transvaal Government in 1906 helped him a muckle to developed and adopt the Satyagraha as an effective nonviolent demonstration against the British while causing potentiometer sociopolitical awarneness among the Indians.3 Indeed Gandhis political insight and experience urged him to assume the role of a social reformer. His spot as a social reformer helped him greatly to attain his political goal of uniting the Indians to make into a strong political force. Indeed Gandhi was a
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